A few weeks ago, a friend of mine asked me my opinion about CBD Hemp oil. I had to admit that I really didn’t know anything about medical marijuana or its constituents. I told her that I would look into it, and if I found it to be an interesting topic that I would write my next newsletter about it; that was last month.
It normally takes me about a week to write a newsletter that involves a bit of research. I like to make sure that I have good quality references for my articles. Since I hadn’t decided on a topic for the February newsletter, I thought that medical marijuana was as good as any.
Medical marijuana is quite a hot topic these days, especially since Colorado made the sale of it legal. I find that fact interesting since marijuana is illegal by federal law. What I find even more interesting is that we probably all know someone who knows someone who is being treated with a form of it.
Anyway, I found so much information on medical marijuana that writing the newsletter became daunting. There were pros and cons on it, research for it and against it, scientific data on how it works, etc.
Every time I started to write, I had to do more research to explain in detail what I wanted to say. Before I knew it, my February deadline had slipped by. I still intended to just it published even if I was going to be a week or so late.
Let me just emphasize the “or so” of that sentence. I should have knuckled down and made myself spend every spare minute on it until it was finished, but instead I opted to do “more important” things at home.
I worked hard on my office, garden boxes, cleaned the house, and because I worked so hard I allowed myself time to relax.
There is an art to procrastination. My kids had nothing on me when it came to putting off the inevitable. I placated myself with the fact that I was getting a lot of things done. No one could have called me a slacker.
Well, if they only knew the truth they would have shamed me for allowing myself to not only miss my newsletter deadline, but a deadline for a magazine that I sometimes write for. I missed the deadline for the magazine because I could not justify writing that article when I still had my own newsletter to write. How messed up is that!
Finally, so many things started stacking up that I had to force myself to finish the article on medical marijuana. I have a contest to prepare, and it’s already time to start writing my March newsletter. Now I don’t even know if I should write another newsletter since February’s didn’t get published until March 3rd.
In the 4 years I have been writing a monthly newsletter, this is the first time I missed getting one published. Well, I technically didn’t miss it because if it wasn’t a short month, I would have published it on the 31st! Talk about smooth talking…
I guess I will shoot for writing another article this month, which means I will have to work really hard to get caught up on my other writings. At this point, I don’t have a topic picked out. Maybe it’s time for a recipe.
To bring you up to date on a few things around the farm, let me start with what is growing. The peach and plum trees are in full bloom. I am still waiting to see if the apple trees are going to bloom at the same time. Apples trees need a mate because they do not self-pollinate, so you can’t have just one apple tree if you want to have apples.
Last year, the two trees didn’t bloom at the same time. If they are out of sync again this year, we may need to plant a third tree to increase our odds of overlapping bloom time.
I plan to plant spinach, kale, and lettuces this weekend in the garden boxes. The garden will soon be ready for planting, too. We are going to work on it this weekend. The asparagus is growing, and so is the cilantro.
My daughter’s Welsh corgi, Sadie, had surgery on Thursday for bladder stones. I had never heard of bladder stones but apparently, she had quite a few. Surgery went well and we are waiting for the analysis of the stones to determine what caused them.
That’s all I got! I hope your weekend is all you want it to be (even if you are just relaxing).
Ecclesiastes 5:4 When you make a promise to God, don’t delay in following through, for God takes no pleasure in fools. Keep all the promises you make to him.